We have too many ships at sea: Pentagon

The Pentagon is expecting the novel coronavirus to hit more Navy ships after the outbreak on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, a top general said Thursday.
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt

Pentagon leaders anticipate that the coronavirus may strike more Navy ships at sea after an outbreak aboard an aircraft carrier in the Pacific infected more than 400 sailors, a top general said Thursday.

Gen. John Hyten, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the Navy is anticipating the coronavirus to strike more ships like the Roosevelt, where 416 crew members became infected and 1,164 tests are pending.

A small number of coronavirus cases have been already detected at another US aircraft carrier – the Nimitz – the general added. According to media reports, however, up to four US carriers have registered cases of the disease to date.

The incident also led to the downfall of Acting US Navy Secretary Thomas Modly, who openly – and harshly – criticized Crozier, calling the officer either “too naive or too stupid” to command an aircraft carrier. Modly was then himself castigated by those who deemed Crozier a “hero” for caring more about his men than his career, and the official was forced to resign on Monday.

Meanwhile, the number of positive cases on the nuclear-powered vessel jumped by over 100 on Wednesday, and currently stands at 416. One sailor from the coronavirus-plagued aircraft carrier has been taken into intensive care after his condition worsened, the US Navy has said.

Source: Russia Today, aa.com, thehill.com